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Setting the Stage initiative to raise funds to construct new CMU theatre and education facilities.

荣获格莱美奖的录音艺术家卡拉尼·佩亚于2022年秋天回到母校,举办了一场招待会,以支持pp电子极速糖果在社区范围内努力在校园内建造一座新剧院的宣布. Pe’a is a three-time Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter focusing on contemporary Hawaiian music. He's one of a select few recording artists to have received three Grammy awards.

While on campus, Pe’a worked with CMU students, faculty, 员工和社区团体制作音乐录影带,讲述他的故事,分享他对表演艺术的热情. On Saturday, April 8, 2023, Pe’a and CMU launched the video in Honolulu, 夏威夷在中太平洋学院被参加当天选择CMU活动的未来小牛队围住.

“我们想在夏威夷发布这个视频,这样我们就可以和未来的学生分享卡拉尼的故事,给他们一个现实世界的例子,告诉他们教育可以为人们做些什么。, and what the performing arts did for Kalani in terms of pursuing his dreams,” said Whitney Bonner, a CMU staff member who introduced the video.

The video takes place in both Hawaii and western Colorado, 包括揭示科罗拉多州西部砂岩景观和岛屿自然环境的场景. The lyrics tell Kalani’s story and are meant to help bring visibility to higher education.

In addition to launching the video, 为了纪念佩亚作为特立独行者留下的遗产,该大学在校园内设立了一个新的录音室. CMU President John Marshall believes the naming is a fitting way to honor Pe’a.

“The CMU Board of Trustees approved this very special project, and when the recording studio is complete in the future, 这座新设施将永远纪念卡拉尼对CMU和表演艺术的贡献,” said Marshall.

Pe 'a正与该大学合作,提高人们对艺术在增强学生体验、丰富社区和文化方面重要性的认识.

“我很自豪能从CMU毕业,也很高兴CMU董事会选择以这种方式表彰我,” said Pe’a. “我希望录音室能成为一个欢迎所有有抱负的艺术家探索他们的梦想和对音乐的热爱的地方. 我在CMU遇到的朋友和导师为我的艺术创造了一个空间,为我打开了通往格莱美奖和其他奖项的道路. 我很高兴能在支持一个新的最先进的剧院中发挥作用,为未来的学生提供类似的机会.”

To support the initiative, Pe’a is collaborating with CMU students, 教师和社区成员制作一首歌和其他材料,以激励新剧院的支持者,同时允许他的音乐平台展示表演艺术如何改变有抱负的艺术家的生活, as well as their fans.

CMU和Pe 'a之间的合作伙伴关系是“搭建舞台”活动的一部分,该活动将致力于识别重视艺术的社区成员和组织, and who share CMU’s vision for a theatre that will support the entire region.

CMU基金会首席执行官罗宾·布朗(Robin Brown)正在领导CMU为新大学剧院筹集资金的工作,他说,对卡拉尼参与的回应得到了捐助者的好评.

“While the video Kalani made to support us was officially launched today in Hawaii, we have been sharing the video with all our project supporters as we meet with them, and the response has been very exciting,” said Brown. 他们相信卡拉尼的故事是一个完美的例子,说明为什么艺术很重要,为什么投资CMU的新剧院是值得的.”

 In addition to having earned a degree in mass communication from CMU, Pe’a also overcame adversity earlier in life having been the recipient of speech therapy. 他追求音乐和表演的勇气导致了他的职业生涯,他周游世界表演夏威夷音乐-他的艺术.

“I had a dream to live out my music as a child, and that has more than come true,” said Pe’a. “Part of bringing that dream to reality was my time as a student at CMU. 这次合作对我来说是一个回报校园社区的机会,他们帮助我从CMU的舞台上走出来, to the stage of the Grammys. I am forever grateful for both experiences.”

查尔斯·拉特肖是大枢纽交响乐团的音乐总监,他对CMU未来的剧院以及与Pe 'a的合作充满了热情.

“CMU的努力将导致另一个场地,将支持我们的音乐家,而与Pe 'a的合作是一个难得的机会,让他们与这种水平的艺术家合作,关心在这个社区扩大艺术。,” said Latshaw.

交响乐团小提琴家阿丽莎·比恩是协理音乐会大师,也是视频中的特色艺术家. 比恩在大峡谷雄伟的砂岩背景下拉小提琴,前景是佩亚.

Harley Galbasini is the Director of the Grand Valley Children’s Choir, a local organization that has been a cornerstone of the local music community for more than 25 years. 合唱团是大枢纽交响乐团的补充组,除了加尔巴西尼, was co-directed by Ben McLam.

“As Director of the Grand Valley Children’s’ Choir and a CMU alumnus, I’m honored to help the university and Kalani Pe’a communicate the importance of music, singing and the arts to our community,” said Galbasini. “大谷儿童合唱团是一个由来自山谷各地的三年级到七年级学生组成的试镜团体,他们的使命是传播音乐的快乐和热爱, performing with the Colorado Choral Director’s Select Choir, CMU’s Vocal Arts Ensemble and many more. I would like to thank CMU for providing this opportunity to share music with each other.” 

当地社区和商业领袖道格·西蒙斯和杰米·西蒙斯正共同主持筹款活动,并在招待会上欢迎佩亚来到校园,其他捐助者可以在招待会上见到卡拉尼,了解他的生活故事和工作. Doug是当地一位长期的音乐家和CMU的支持者,他也应Pe 'a的邀请出现在视频中.

“I was on campus for another reason, and Kalani asked if I wanted to join him for the video shoot,” said Simons. “并不是每天都能和格莱美获奖艺术家合作,和他和孩子们一起站在舞台上做一件好事很有趣。. As a musician I am excited to think about the grand opening of CMU’s new facility and Mr. Pe’a performing on its stage.”

CMU supporters and community members who would like to contribute to the future of music, art and the humanities in western Colorado should visit the Setting the Stage website to learn more about how to be a part of the project.

  • Kalani Pe'a with alumnus Doug Simons

    Kalani Pe'a with alumnus Doug Simons.

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    Faculty Jazz Quartet.
